
North Carolina vs. Duke

As anyone in the sports world is well aware, tonight is the most important night in the college basketball season. To some it may be considered more important than the National Championship. The bitter rivalry that puts Ohio State - Michigan to shame.... North Carolina - Duke. It should be a huge game due to the #2 vs #3 ranked situation. Unfortunately tonight is Ohio State's free Will Ferrel concert and that cant be Tivo'd... so i guess im going to have to record the game and get to it later. Hopefully Ty Lawson will be healthy, Ty Hansbrough will put down another hstoric game, Gerald Henderson will get an elboow to the face (just like he gave Hansbrough last year) and Duke will continue to suck with a tragic loss. Can't wait to see them cry.

1 comment:

tc brown said...

I like your blog and couldn’t agree more about the NC/Duke game tonight. As an extra added attraction, or more like distraction, Dickie V. returns to the broadcast booth. I go from liking to hating that guy, and of course there’s no doubt where his loyalties are. Should be a fun-to-watch battle though.

Nice mix on the blog. The bass fishing entry reminds me of a very funny novel by Carl Hiaasen, a columnist for the Miami Herald. Can’t remember the name of the book but Google his name and bass fishing and you should find it. It’s hilarious. All of his books are funny.

Loved the Homer quotes. I didn’t check them all but two of my favs, slightly paraphrased: “The Internet? Is that old thing still around?” And a Homer response to Ah Pooh making a comment on karma. “I don’t believe that karma baloney,” with Homer responding, “Mmmmm, karma baloney!”


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