
Bass Fishing Club at Ohio State

Rarely do i post anything that is not related to art but this is a special circumstance. Over the past few weeks I have been working with one of my childhood friends, who is also a student here at OSU, on starting up a bass fishing club at The Ohio State University. As part of this club members will travel the Eastern United States to compete in collegiate tournaments. The most prestigious of these tournaments being the Big Ten Tournament. No tournament experience is neccessary to join this club but some overall fishing experience is.

The club purpose is as follows: The purpose of the Bass Fishing Club of OSU is to bring students together to enjoy the sport of bass fishing. This club will be affiliated with the Collegiate Bass Anglers Association (CBAA) and compete in CBAA sanctioned tournaments including the Big Ten Classic. This club will also teach fishing tactics to all levels of fishermen and will participate in community activities that enhance the future of bass fishing.

Please contact myself at archer.122@osu.edu or President Jason Founds at founds.7@osu.edu
Change the subject of the email to something pertaining to the Ohio State Bass Club.


Kid Diptych

This half of the image shows how children who play baseball idolize sports stars. They don't neccesarily realize anything about steroids or any sort of drug.

Bonds Diptych

This is the first half of the Diptych images that I had to put together for my Photoshop class. It covers the idea of the controversy of steroids in sports. The astericks show how the record of all time homeruns was affected by steroids. Also half of the stitches were replaced with syringes.


Photoshop Magazine

In my Art Education class we were given the task of creating a magazine cover of our own publication. I fashioned a new Ohio State basketball publication called BuckeyeBall. This is the finished product, only half an hour was allowed so the overall look is not up to what i would like. Hope you enjoy.

Tribal Photoshop

I just happened to be sitting in an on campus computer lab, and started to mess with photoshop a bit. I opened my continuous drawing and started to work, right off the bat i clicked invert image and loved it, so i thought i would share it on here. I've been messing with it for a while now and I would have to say that the glow might just be my favorite, due to the fact that id doesn't even appear to be my work anymore.Hope you enjoy!


It's been over a week since I've posted largely due to the fact that I have been sick recently, and blogging is not at the top of anyone's list when it feels like every breath is your last one. But in the next couple of days i will be uploading some new images of both new work and old. I hope you enjoy them but there are no images for today, sorry to disappoint.


Carhauler w/ Car

I became bored and started to look around a couple of new books that i bought recently on the topic of sketching cars. As i sat here i began to sketch mindlessly and finished with a car hauler with a car on back. Neither vehicle is a describably model, but more so generic.


Work for JLB

Over the course of the last few years I have been lucky enough to be paired up with the sweetest girl I've ever met in my life. Over the course of our relationship I have made her dozens of pieces of work, so i thought that today i would add a couple of my favorites that i've given her. First is a Pen and Ink sketch that is somewhat random with things that remind me of her all through the composition, i also made the frame from plexiglass and painted the back with metallic black to complete the piece.

Second I made a 6x6 painting of a pink rose for her recently. I used acrylic paints and really exceeded my expectations of myself due to the fact that i have never really been a very succesful painter.


Continuous Drawing

This sketch was completed with an unbelievably large amount of work. I spent hour upon hour in lectures and labs last year at OSU Newark campus. Basically the whole piece together shows my hobbies and personality. This style of drawing is interesting to me because it can be never ending.

Cherry Table

This has proven to be my most successful piece of work. It is made of cherry wood with painted glass inserts. The squares of glass in the table were painted, taped off then sand blasted to show a rough etched design. I put well over 200 hours into this piece and was recently all put to waste as the dry air in my house dried out the wood too rapidly and caused the top of the table to split directly down the center.



So basically from a young age I've been strongly influenced by art in every aspect of my life. Over the last 13 years I have constantly spent my lecture and class time sketching anything and everything I could. Therefore I have decided to create this page due to the fact that I would love to share my hobby and talent with a wider audience. Hope you enjoy.


ESPN Mens Basketball Poll